ROOM 100 was once and will soon again be the site of an art gallery. For now, suspended in a place between the gallery’s past and future, not yet public and not quite an exhibition, ROOM 100 provides a space and time to collectively consider fundamental questions of art and education and its institutions. For 13 weeks, the gallery re-opens and invites its most immediate public, the NYU Shanghai community, to engage with open-ended spatial, discursive, and relational prompts and provocations.
ROOM 100 begins with spatial scenarios that explore the built conventions, material components, and social behaviors that inscribe institutions. On the surfaces of NYU Shanghai’s most widely shared and used space - the elevators, illustrations originally made by the Guangdong Times Museum and Victor Chan suggest museum going decorum. In the gallery, an installation conceived in collaboration with ZHOU Ying draws upon the vernacular aesthetic of the university itself and proposes an array of potential uses and transgressions.
Can room 100 be... a classroom, an office, a studio/ lab, a conference room, a study room, a lounge, and/or a gallery? What makes a space for teaching, for learning, for working, for being together, for being alone, for engaging with art?
ROOM 100 is organized by Michelle Yeonho Hyun, with the support of Iris Zhu, and in collaboration with NYU Shanghai Visual Arts Area and Asia Art Archive (Hong Kong).
Additional support by SUN Yunke, Krate Wong, Claire Yixin Ren, HaEun Yoon, Iris Che, and Shy Mitchell.
Design by The Exercises / LU Liang.