Video Still: Siye Tao, Shattered Ripples, 2022. Video (single-channel, black and white, sound); 6’8’’. Cinematography & editing: Qing-Wen Yan. Courtesy of the artist.


An Approach to Dancing About Things

an NYU Shanghai community project

    • , 14:00-15:00
  • Galleries (1F & B1)


What moves us, and why do we move this way?

Facilitated by NYU Shanghai Assistant Arts Professor of Dance Tao Siye and responding to the textures, patterns, and rhythms of the exhibition, as well as the stories and multiple ghosts in the space, several NYU Shanghai dance class students embark on an experiment of interacting with visual artworks in the exhibition. Impromptu and collaborative, the dancers translate emotions, instincts, and sensations into non-verbal language, and explore the unpredictability, chance, impulse, complexity/simplicity, and peculiarity of movements through improvisation, as they dance about things.

Free and open to the public.

No registration is required.

In conjunction with We the singular in multiple ghosts. I the multiple as parts of whole.

The exhibition We the singular in multiple ghosts. I the multiple as parts of whole and related events are presented as the third season of the ICA’s second artist research program, Another Knowledge Is Possible (2021-24), exploring neglected and repressed ways of knowing and the complex politics of knowledge decolonization. 



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